Faye Wong - Restless (1996)

It makes 7-8 years that Faye Wong has become famous in the asian musical environment. But she wants to innovate: she wants to produce her albums alone. She wants to make an album "for her" : that album will be Impatience, also named Restless. Faye wrote all songs of this album.This album is rather innovative: the songs have a very soft, light, and powerful style at the same time...
I advise you this album much ;) It is said to be her favourite album...



 Restless coutains 10 songs :


 01 - Sporadic
 02 - Restless
 03 - Imagine
 04 - Fracture
 05 - Uneasy
 06 - Where
 07 - Decadence
 08 - Repressing Happiness
 09 - Doomsday
 10 - Wild Three Hills



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