Faye Wong - Random Thinking (1994)

This album is the second released in 1994. That album is a pure wonder!!
Each song is magnificent : one is a reprise of the Cocteau Twins (favorite rock group of Faye) (songs 1 and 5), another one of  Dreams of The Cranberries ( I had spoken you in the presentation of  Mystery album). And what a reprise of Dreams !! it is simply magnificent! It is for you to listen to it!

No forget  a song composed and written song in mandarin by Faye...



 Random Thinking coutains 10 songs :


 01 - Random Thinking
 02 - Pledge
 03 - Sky And Earth
 04 - Dream Person
 05 - Know Oneself And Each Other
 06 - Pure Love
 07 - End Of The Game
 08 - Sleepwalk
 09 - Moment Of Blue
 10 - Reminiscence Is A Red Sky




Click on the pictures to download the covers of the album...





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